
Amazon primegaming
Amazon primegaming

  • 1 month of membership in RuneScape and Old School RuneScape.
  • 14 days of membership in RuneScape and Old School RuneScape.
  • amazon primegaming

  • 15 Treasure Hunter keys and 40 Hearts of Iceġ month of membership in RuneScape and Old School RuneScape.
  • All the items from the previous umbral packs.
  • amazon primegaming

  • 20 Treasure Hunter keys and 80 Hearts of Iceġ week of membership, Clink pet and 1 umbral chestĢ00 RuneCoins, 35 Treasure Hunter keys and Valentine's Cosmetic Pack:ġ yak track care package and 2 umbral chests.
  • Rewards may be claimed from this Amazon Prime Gaming page - a link may generally be found in the relevant update news post. To claim the rewards, subscribers must link their RuneScape and Amazon accounts through the linked account page within their account settings.

    amazon primegaming

    Subscribers of Prime Gaming are given the rewards listed below during the period of their availability.

    Amazon primegaming