
Big red button factory
Big red button factory

big red button factory

I imagine that when I visit the White House I’ll probably be in the Oval Office chatting with the President about the relative merits of interns, when suddenly my head would swivel violently, having noticed the big, red button on the President’s desk. A large section of the wall suddenly opened up. I remember back in high school I worked at a big store, and one time I was in the warehouse, which wasn’t where I worked, and I saw a big, red button on the wall. I imagined blaring warning sirens going off and big, steel doors slamming down over all the exits as they sucked the air out of the room. I swear it was all I could do to restrain myself from walking over there to push it just to see what would happen.

big red button factory

The sign under it read, “Ventilation System Shut Down.” I suppose that’s there in case they suddenly discover they’ve got someone with Mad Cow disease and they need to quarantine the place ASAP. While I’m waiting at the triage desk, I spot a big, red button on the wall behind the desk. Is it just me, or does everyone else have an irresistible urge to push a big, red, button anytime you see one? I was at the hospital the other night because one of my mini-me’s had broken his finger in a dramatic kick-ball accident.

Big red button factory